Welcome To
David Enoragbon's Portfolio

As a committed software developer, I am totally dedicated to building software applications in the most innovative and efficient manner possible. I adapt to the latest technological advancements and build software with them.

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A Job portal where users can search and apply for jobs, using categories like Technology, Manufacturing etc. Employers can also post jobs.

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React.Js
  • Node


A room leasing and booking services where users either can be guests or a host, users can browse through to either book an apartment or put an apartment up for lease.

  • React.js
  • Firebase
  • Nodejs
  • Sass


An exam portal which any school or organization can adopt where exams can be written and scores seen immediately.

  • Node.js
  • Html
  • CSS
  • MongoDB
  • Bootstrap


Entertainment Hub is Progressive Web Application built React and Material UI, where you can get and search latest movies.

  • React
  • Material UI
  • The Movie DB
  • Axios
  • react-alice-carousel


I am conversant with a range of JavaScript and TypeScript frontend, backend and CSS libraries and frameworks used in building web solutions such as React, Express, Node, BootStrap, Material UI, JQuery, and lots more.

  • Front-End

    Experiece with
    ReactJs, VanillaJS, and JQuery

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node and Databases

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    tools like Figma

About Me

I am a web developer and technical writer who uses MERN stack and other modern web technologies to create top-notch websites, webApps, and other web solutions. I am particularly interested in start-up and small scale businesses as I have a lot of experience working in this niche.

Personal Achievements


Open Source Projects

Cheers 🥂 to Better Days.